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Normalization of transactions on the Philippines Virtual Currency Exchange ¡°COEXSTAR¡±

As an IT company which started in Korea, the company is working to develop many of its own projects and cooperate with promising institutions in the FinTech sector in the Philippines.
June 3, 2020. ABA Global Philippines (ABA GLOBAL PHILIPPINES INC. UNDER THE TRADE NAME OF COEXSTAR) announced that its virtual currency exchange ¡°COEXSTAR¡± has resumed operation from after being suspended due to the Global Pandemic Covid-19.
COEXSTAR, which opened in October last year after obtaining a legitimate exchange license from the Philippine Central Bank (Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas), is now growing into a healthy exchange that is becoming global with members signing up from Asian countries like Korea, China, Japan, Singapore, and the Philippines.
As an IT company which started in Korea, the company is working to develop many of its own projects and cooperate with promising institutions in the FinTech sector in the Philippines. Aimed to contribute to the creation of the virtual currency ecosystem and the growth of the Blockchain industry in the Philippines to become a major player in the upcoming era of the fourth industrial revolution.
Currently, there are 11 major-class coins that are being listed and traded within the exchange. A company official even stated ¡°high number of new members will register at ¡®COEXSTAR¡¯ on July 1st 2020 with it the official public launch of ABAG COIN and SCORE COIN. These coins will also be listed on a famous foreign virtual exchange that will be working closely with the company in near future.¡±
Furthermore, it he also stated that ¡°The current atmosphere of the virtual currency market demands a lot of changes and creative innovation. And as the market rapidly globalizes, it is focusing on expanding organic exchanges with promising partnership with other overseas exchanges and FinTech organizations. In the near future, we will be able to announce strategic alliances and listing of exclusive coins.¡±
In addition, he said, ¡°Korea is also actively seeking to enter its own Korean market at an appropriate time, as the Special Act is being passed by the National Assembly and a joint exchange operation hopefully to possibly happen next year.
We are looking forward to the day when many of the ambitious plans of ¡°COEXSTAR will be realized,¡± which is the first Korean company to enter the Philippines, a barren land of virtual currency, overcoming many hardships and emerge as a new global power in the virtual currency market that has borne excellent results and be recognized in the global market for Korea¡¯s excellent blockchain technology.
This article is published on BitPinas: Normalization of transactions on the Philippines Virtual Currency Exchange ¡°COEXSTAR¡±

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URL : http://www.kjdaily.com/1591613336513308004
ÇÁ¸°Æ® ½Ã°£ : 2024³â 07¿ù 01ÀÏ 12:22:50