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2024³â 04¿ù 06ÀÏ(Åä) 15:11
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6ÀÏ Çѱ¹±Ý°Å·¡¼Ò µû¸£¸é ¼ÒºñÀÚ°¡ ¼ø±Ý 1µ·(24k, 3.75g) »ì¶§ °¡°ÝÀº ÀüÀå ´ëºñ 1.86%(8000¿ø) »ó½ÂÇÑ 431,000¿ø(VATÆ÷ÇÔ)ÀÌ´Ù(¿ÀÈÄ 3½Ã ±âÁØ). ÀÌ´Â 2005³â 1¿ù Çѱ¹±Ý°Å·¡¼Ò °³Àå ÀÌ·¡ ÀåÁß ¿ª´ë ÃÖ°íÄ¡´Ù.

¼ÒºñÀÚ°¡ ¼ø±Ý 1µ· Æȶ§ °¡°ÝÀº ÀüÀå°ú °°Àº 378,000¿øÀÌ´Ù. 18k, 14k Æȶ§ °¡°Ýµµ °¢°¢ 277,800¿ø, 215,500¿øÀ¸·Î Àü °Å·¡ÀÏ°ú °°Àº ¼öÁØÀÌ´Ù(18k¿Í 14k »ì¶§´Â Á¦Ç°½Ã¼¼¸¦ Àû¿ëÇÑ´Ù).

ÀÌ ¹Û¿¡ Àº »ì¶§ ½Ã¼¼´Â Àü °Å·¡ÀÏ ´ëºñ 3.23% ¿À¸¥ 5,270¿ø, Æȶ§´Â 3.1% »ó½ÂÇÑ 4,190¿øÀ» ±â·ÏÇß´Ù. ¹é±Ý »ì¶§ °¡°ÝÀº ÀüÀϺ¸´Ù 0.56% ¿À¸¥ 177,000¿ø, Æȶ§ °¡°ÝÀº 0.7% »ó½ÂÇÑ 143,000¿øÀÌ´Ù.

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/´º¹Ìµð¾îºÎ ÁÖȫö ±âÀÚ jhc@kjdaily.com

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-5-day international gold price 1.6%¡è
-Today¡¯s gold price (Korea Gold Exchange 1.86%¡è)

The international gold price has again reached an all-time high.

On Friday (the 5th local time), the gold price for June futures on the New York Mercantile Exchange (COMEX) closed at $2,345.40 per ounce, up $36.90 (1.6%) from the previous day. This is the highest level ever based on the closing price. The previous highest closing price was $2,315.0 recorded on the 3rd. The intraday gold price also hit $2,350.0 at one point, breaking the previous intraday record ($2,321.80) in two days. Gold prices, which fell slightly the previous day, appear to have turned into a bullish market after two trading days. The price of gold rose 4.78% in one week, recording an upward trend for two consecutive weeks.

Despite strong U.S. employment data in March, gold prices continued their record rally due to factors including geopolitical risks, speculative buying, central bank purchases, and expectations of a Federal Reserve interest rate cut.

Precious metals investors paid attention to the US non-farm payrolls report for March released today.

The U.S. Department of Labor announced that new non-agricultural employment increased by 303,000 in March this year.

This is well above the 200,000 increase expected by experts compiled by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

The U.S. unemployment rate in March was 3.8%.

The unemployment rate, which jumped to 3.9% last February, fell by 0.1 percentage points.

As employment indicators showed signs of improvement, expectations of a Federal Reserve interest rate cut were dampened.

According to CME Group's FedWatch tool, the likelihood of a 25bp interest rate cut by the U.S. Federal Reserve in June has been lowered to 53.5%. The central bank's prolonged high interest rates are an unfavorable factor for gold, reducing the attractiveness of gold as an asset that does not bear interest.

Some analysts have warned that increasing uncertainty about the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut will be a headwind for gold prices.

Commerzbank's Thu Lan Nguyen said the Fed is likely to embark on a 'clear easing cycle', limiting further upside potential for gold in the medium term.

However, gold prices are still showing a strong trend, offsetting doubts about the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut due to strong employment indicators in March.

Some believe that the international gold price will exceed $3,000 per ounce.

¡°Gold is not being driven solely by the Fed, and I predict a surge above $3,000,¡± said David Rosenberg of Rosenberg Research. He added, ¡°With the quantitative easing cycle about to begin, global growth weakening, and inflation entering its final stages of decline, the tailwinds pushing gold prices to record highs are expected to become much stronger.¡±

Meanwhile, the price of silver rose 0.93% to $27.503, hitting the highest level in 34 months. Copper fell 0.3% to $4.2360. Platinum showed a weekly gain, rising 0.4% to $928.80, while palladium showed a weekly decline, falling 2.2% to close at $999.00.

At this time, the international gold price (as of 3 p.m., London LBMA gold price) is moving around the $2,329 level.

As the international gold price rose, the domestic gold price also broke a new record.

According to the Korea Gold Exchange on the 6th, when a consumer buys 1 dong (24k, 3.75g) of pure gold, the price is 431,000 won (VAT included), up 1.86% (8,000 won) compared to the previous price (as of 3 p.m.). This is the highest intraday price since the opening of the Korea Gold Exchange in January 2005.

When a consumer sells 1 dong of pure gold, the price is 378,000 won, the same as the battlefield. When selling 18k and 14k, the price is 277,800 won and 215,500 won, respectively, which is the same as the previous trading day (when buying 18k and 14k, the product market price is applied).

In addition, the price when buying silver was 5,270 won, up 3.23% from the previous trading day, and when selling silver, it was 4,190 won, up 3.1%. The price to buy platinum is 177,000 won, up 0.56% from the previous day, and the price to sell it is 143,000 won, up 0.7% from the previous day.

The previous day, the won-dollar exchange rate in the Seoul foreign exchange market closed at 1,352.8 won, up 5.7 won from the previous trading day.

Detailed domestic gold price inquiries can be found on the Korea Gold Exchange and Korea Exchange (KRX) websites.

/New Media Department Reporter Joo Hong-cheol jhc@kjdaily.com
ÁÖȫö ±âÀÚ jhc@kjdaily.com
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URL : http://www.kjdaily.com/1712383919626685227
ÇÁ¸°Æ® ½Ã°£ : 2024³â 07¿ù 27ÀÏ 21:03:07