·Î¶Ç ´ç÷¹øÈ£Á¶È¸-1122ȸ
ÁÖȫö ±âÀÚ jhc@kjdaily.com
2024³â 06¿ù 04ÀÏ(È­) 00:07
1122ȸÂ÷ ·Î¶Ç´ç÷¹øÈ£Á¶È¸ °á°ú ±¤ÁÖ¡¤Àü³²¿¡¼­ ÃÑ 7°÷ÀÇ 2µî ´ç÷Á¡ÀÌ ¹èÃâµÆ´Ù. /»çÁø=µ¿Çູ±Ç
1122ȸ ·Î¶Ç ´ç÷¹øÈ£Á¶È¸ °á°ú ±¤ÁÖ¡¤Àü³² Áö¿ª¿¡¼­ ÃÑ 7°÷ÀÇ 2µî ´ç÷Á¡ÀÌ ¹èÃâµÆ´Ù.

2ÀÏ º¹±Ç¼öŹ»ç¾÷ÀÚ (ÁÖ)µ¿Çູ±Ç ÃøÀº Á¦ 1122ȸ ·Î¶ÇÃß÷ °á°ú 1µî ´ç÷¹øÈ£´Â '6, 30, 35, 34, 21, 3', 2µî º¸³Ê½º¹øÈ£´Â '22'¹øÀÌ´Ù.

1122ȸ ·Î¶Ç 1µî ´ç÷Á¡Àº Àü±¹ ÃÑ 11°÷, 2µî ´ç÷ °ÔÀÓ¼ö´Â ÃÑ 99°ÇÀÌ´Ù.

ÀÌ °¡¿îµ¥ ±¤ÁÖÁö¿ª 2µî ´ç÷Á¡Àº ÃÑ 3°÷À¸·Î ±¤»ê±¸¿Í ºÏ±¸, ¼­±¸ °¢ 1°÷ÀÌ´Ù. Àü³²ÀÇ 2µî ´ç÷Á¡Àº ¼øõ 2°÷, ¸ñÆ÷ 1°÷, ¿µ¾Ï 1°÷ µî ÃÑ 4°÷ÀÌ´Ù.

2µî ´ç÷ÀÎÀº 1Àδç 4õ733¸¸¿øÀ» ¼ö·ÉÇÏ°Ô µÈ´Ù. À̹ø 1122ȸÂ÷ ±¤ÁÖ¡¤Àü³² 1µî ´ç÷Á¡Àº ³ª¿ÀÁö ¾Ê¾Ò´Ù.

ÀÌ·Î½á ¿ÃÇØ(1101~1122ȸ) ±¤ÁÖÁö¿ª ÆǸÅÁ¡¿¡¼­ ¹èÃâµÈ ·Î¶Ç 1µî ´ç÷ °Ç¼ö´Â ÇöÀç±îÁö ÃÑ 11°Ç(ÀÚµ¿6, ¼öµ¿5)ÀÌ°í, Àü³²Àº 17°Ç(ÀÚµ¿8, ¼öµ¿9)ÀÌ´Ù. 2µî ´ç÷ °Ç¼ö´Â ±¤ÁÖ ÃÑ 66°Ç, Àü³² ÃÑ 74°ÇÀÌ´Ù.

ÇÑÆí, Á¦ 1122ȸ ·Î¶Çº¹±Ç´ç÷¹øÈ£ 6°³ ¼ýÀÚ¸¦ ¸ðµÎ ¸ÂÈù 1µî ´ç÷ÀÚ´Â ÃÑ 11¸íÀ¸·Î 1Àδç 25¾ï5õ626¸¸¿øÀ» ¹Þ´Â´Ù. ¼¼±ÝÀ» ¶¼°í ¹Þ´Â 1µî ´ç÷±Ý ½Ç¼ö·É¾×Àº 17¾ï4õ569¸¸¿øÀÌ´Ù.

´ç÷¹øÈ£ 5°³¿Í º¸³Ê½º ¼ýÀÚ°¡ ÀÏÄ¡ÇÑ 2µî ´ç÷°ÔÀÓ¼ö´Â 99°ÔÀÓÀ¸·Î 1Àδç 4õ733¸¸¿øÀ» ¼ö·ÉÇÑ´Ù.

´ç÷¹øÈ£ 5°³ ¼ýÀÚ°¡ ÀÏÄ¡ÇÑ 3µî ´ç÷°ÔÀÓ ¼ö´Â 2õ932°ÔÀÓÀ¸·Î 1ÀÎ´ç ´ç÷±Ý¾×Àº 159¸¸¿øÀÌ´Ù.

1ÀÎ´ç ´ç÷±Ý¾×ÀÌ 5¸¸¿øÀÎ 4µî°ú 5õ¿øÀÎ 5µîÀÇ ´ç÷°ÔÀÓ ¼ö´Â °¢°¢ 15¸¸1õ473¸Å, 254¸¸890¸Å´Ù.

1122ȸ 1µî ´ç÷¹øÈ£ Áß È¦¼ö ¹øÈ£´Â 3°³(3, 21, 35), ¦¼ö ¹øÈ£ 3°³(6, 30, 34)À̸ç, ¹øÈ£ ÃÑÇÕÀº (129)ÀÌ´Ù. ´ç÷¹øÈ£ ±¸°£º°·Î´Â 1 (1 ~ 10)¹ø´ë 2°³, 10 (11 ~ 20)¹ø´ë 0°³, 20 (21 ~ 30)¹ø´ë 2°³, 30 (31 ~ 40)¹ø´ë 2°³, 40 (41 ~ 45)¹ø´ë 0°³ÀÌ´Ù.

1122ȸ ·Î¶Ç 1µî ´ç÷ÀÚ´Â ÃÑ 11¸íÀ̸ç, 1µî ·Î¶Çº¹±ÇÀÇ ±¸¸Å ¹æ½ÄÀº ÀÚµ¿ 9°³, ¹ÝÀÚµ¿ 1°³, ¼öµ¿ 1°³·Î ÀÚµ¿ ´ç÷ÀÌ ¾ÐµµÀûÀ¸·Î ¸¹¾Ò´Ù.

Àü±¹ Áö¿ªº° 1µî ´ç÷Á¡ ºÐÆ÷¸¦ º¸¸é ¼­¿ï°ú °æ±â, ÀÎõ, °­¿ø, °æ³²ÀÌ °¢ 2°÷, ´ë±¸ 1°÷ÀÌ´Ù.

1122ȸÂ÷ 2µî ´ç÷ °ÔÀÓ ¼ö´Â Àü±¹ ÃÑ 99°ÔÀÓÀÌ´Ù. Áö¿ªº°·Î °æ±â°¡ 29°ÔÀÓÀ¸·Î °¡Àå ¸¹¾Ò°í, ´ÙÀ½À¸·Î ¼­¿ïÀÌ 15°ÔÀÓÀ¸·Î µÚ¸¦ À̾ú´Ù.

1122ȸ ·Î¶Ç ÃÑ ÆǸž×Àº 1õ155¾ï4õ¸¸¿øÀ¸·Î Áö³­ÁÖ(1õ138¾ï9õ851¸¸¿ø)º¸´Ù ¾à 16¾ï¿ø °¡·® ´Ã¾î³­ ¼öÁØÀÌ´Ù.

À̳¯ Ãß÷±îÁö ¿ÃÇØ(1101~1122ȸ Ãß÷) ·Î¶Ç 1µî ´ç÷ÀÚ ¼ö´Â ÃÑ 311¸íÀ¸·Î ÀÚµ¿ 222°³ , ¹ÝÀÚµ¿ 10°³, ¼öµ¿ 79°³°¡ 1µî ´ç÷ Çà¿îÀ» °¡Á®´ÙÁá´Ù.

<1122ȸ ·Î¶Ç 1µî ´ç÷Áö¿ª(´ç÷Á¡)>
1. °æ¾Æ·Î¶Ç ÆǸÅÁ¡ -ÀÚµ¿ /¼­¿ï µ¿ÀÛ±¸ »ç´ç·Î16±æ 40 1Ãþ
2. °¡·ÎÆǸÅÁ¡ -ÀÚµ¿ /¼­¿ï ¼­´ë¹®±¸ ½ÅÃÌ·Î 103 ½ÅÃÌ¿ª 3¹ø,4¹øÃⱸ Áß¾Ó
3. Çà¿îº¹±Ç¹æ -¼öµ¿ /´ë±¸ ºÏ±¸ ÇÐÁ¤µ¿·Î 47
4. ´ë¹ÚõÇϸ¶Æ® -ÀÚµ¿ /ÀÎõ ºÎÆò±¸ ±¼Æ÷·Î 48
5. Ȳ±Ýº¹±Ç¹æ -ÀÚµ¿ /ÀÎõ ¿¬¼ö±¸ ÄÁº¥½Ã¾Æ´ë·Î 81 ¼Ûµµµ¿ µå¸²½ÃƼ 113-2È£
6. Çà¿îº¹±Ç(¿Á»êÁ¡) -ÀÚµ¿ /°æ±â ¾È¼º½Ã Áß¾Ó·Î 152
7. ´ë¹Úº¹±Ç¹æ -ÀÚµ¿ /°æ±â ¿¬Ãµ±º ¿Â°ñ·Î 57-1
8. ·°Å°º¹±ÇÁ¡ -ÀÚµ¿ /°­¿ø °­¸ª½Ã °­¸ª´ë·Î 305
9. ÀÏ¼Û ·Î¶Ç -ÀÚµ¿ /°­¿ø °­¸ª½Ã ÇÏÆò3±æ 37 ±¤¿Á´ç(ÀÏ¼Û»ó°¡ 102È£)
10. ºù±×·¹ µ·º­¶ô ¸Â´Â°÷ -¹ÝÀÚµ¿ /°æ³² ±èÇؽà ±èÇØ´ë·Î 910 ÁÂÃø º¹±ÇÆǸÅÁ¡
11. º¹±ÇÆÄ´ÂÁý -ÀÚµ¿ /°æ³² â¿ø½Ã ¸¶»êȸ¿ø±¸ 3¡¤15´ë·Î 765

<1122ȸ ±¤ÁÖ¡¤Àü³² ·Î¶Ç 2µî ´ç÷Á¡>
1. À̸¶Æ®24 ±¤ÁÖ¿Áµ¿Á¡- ±¤ÁÖ ±¤»ê±¸ Æòµ¿·Î 792 À̸¶Æ®24 ÆíÀÇÁ¡
2. º¹±Ç³ª¶ó(¸Å°îµ¿)- ±¤ÁÖ ºÏ±¸ ¼­ÇÏ·Î 117 101È£ (¸Å°îµ¿)
3. ´ë¹Ú·Î¶Çº¹±Ç¹æ- ±¤ÁÖ ¼­±¸ ¸Å¿ù2·Î 53 23µ¿ 103È£
4. ÁØÇõº¹±Ç¹æ- Àü³² ¸ñÆ÷½Ã ¹é³â´ë·Î 69-2 1Ãþ
5. º¹±Ç³ª¶ó -Àü³² ¼øõ½Ã Áß¾Ó·Î 145 º¹±Ç³ª¶ó
6. ¾Ë¸®¹ÙÀ̱ݴçÁ¡- Àü³² ¼øõ½Ã ´ë¼®±æ 44
7. ±ÝÈ£ µ¿Çູ±Ç- Àü³² ¿µ¾Ï±º ´ëºÒÁÖ°Å·Î 159 1Ãþ

¶Ç, ·Î¶Ç´ç÷¹øÈ£Á¶È¸ °á°ú ¿ÃÇØ À̳¯±îÁö °¡Àå ¸¹ÀÌ »ÌÈù °øÀº 13¹ø °øÀ¸·Î ³ªÅ¸³µ´Ù. 2024³â ·Î¶Ç Ãß÷Àº À̳¯±îÁö ÃÑ 22ȸ(1101~1122ȸ) ½Ç½ÃµÆ´Ù. ÀÌ °¡¿îµ¥ 13¹ø °øÀÇ ´ç÷¹øÈ£ µîÀå Ƚ¼ö´Â ÃÑ 7ȸ·Î ±â·ÏµÆ´Ù. ÀÌ´Â º¸³Ê½º¹øÈ£¸¦ Á¦¿ÜÇÑ ´ç÷¹øÈ£ ÃâÇö Ƚ¼ö·Î ·Î¶Ç 45°³ Ãß÷º¼ Áß ÃÖ´Ù ÃâÇö Ƚ¼ö´Ù. ´ÙÀ½Àº 2024³â ·Î¶Ç °ø 45°³ÀÇ ´ç÷¹øÈ£ ÃâÇöȽ¼ö¿Í ÃâÇö·üÀÌ´Ù.

<2024³â(1101~1122ȸ) ·Î¶Ç °ø ´ç÷¹øÈ£ ÃâÇö·ü(º¸³Ê½º¹øÈ£ ÃâÇö Á¦¿Ü)>
-13¹ø=31.8%(7ȸ ÃâÇö)
-30¹ø=27.3%(6¹ø ÃâÇö)
-3¹ø¡¤6¹ø¡¤7¹ø¡¤16¹ø¡¤31¹ø¡¤38¹ø¡¤44¹ø=22.7%(5ȸ ÃâÇö)
-12¹ø¡¤19¹ø¡¤20¹ø¡¤26¹ø¡¤32¹ø¡¤33¹ø¡¤36¹ø¡¤40¹ø¡¤45¹ø=18.2%(4ȸ ÃâÇö)
-1¹ø¡¤10¹ø¡¤11¹ø¡¤14¹ø¡¤21¹ø¡¤34¹ø¡¤37¹ø¡¤41¹ø¡¤42¹ø=13.6%(3ȸ ÃâÇö)
-4¹ø¡¤9¹ø¡¤15¹ø¡¤22¹ø¡¤29¹ø¡¤35¹ø¡¤39¹ø=9.1%(2ȸ ÃâÇö)
-2¹ø¡¤17¹ø¡¤23¹ø¡¤24¹ø¡¤25¹ø¡¤28¹ø¡¤43¹ø=4.5%(1ȸ ÃâÇö)

2024³â º¹±Ç±â±Ý ´©Àû¾×Àº 1Á¶635¾ï¿øÀÌ´Ù.

ÀÚ¼¼ÇÑ ·Î¶Ç ´ç÷ ¾È³»¿Í Åë°è ºÐ¼®Àº µ¿Çູ±Ç ȨÆäÀÌÁö¿¡¼­ È®ÀÎ °¡´ÉÇÏ´Ù.

·Î¶Çº¹±ÇÀº (ÁÖ)µ¿Çູ±Ç°ú ÆǸÅÁ¡ °è¾àÀ» ü°áÇÑ ·Î¶Ç ´Ü¸»±â°¡ ¼³Ä¡µÈ ÆǸÅÁ¡(Àü±¹ÀÇ ÆíÀÇÁ¡, º¹±Ç¹æ ¹× °¡ÆÇ´ë µî)°ú ¢ßµ¿Çູ±Ç ÀÎÅÍ³Ý È¨ÆäÀÌÁö¿¡¼­ ±¸¸ÅÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù.

·Î¶Ç ÇÑ ÁÖÀÇ ÆǸŷ®¿¡ µû¶ó º¹±Ç±â±Ý ´©Àû¾×°ú 1µî ´ç÷±Ý¾×ÀÌ ´Þ¶óÁö°Ô µÈ´Ù. 1Àδç 1ȸ 10¸¸¿ø±îÁö ±¸ÀÔ °¡´ÉÇϸç, Ãß÷ ´çÀÏ¿¡µµ ÆǸŠ¸¶°¨ ½Ã±îÁö ±¸¸ÅÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù.

·Î¶Ç Ãß÷½Ã°£Àº ¸ÅÁÖ Åä¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ 8½Ã 35ºÐÀ¸·Î MBC '»ý¹æ¼Û Çູµå¸² ·Î¶Ç 645'¸¦ ÅëÇØ ÁøÇàµÈ´Ù.

·Î¶Ç 1123ȸ Ãß÷Àº ¿À´Â 8ÀÏ ½Ç½ÃµÈ´Ù.

<2024³â ·Î¶Ç 1101ȸ~1121ȸÂ÷>
ȸÂ÷ ·Î¶Ç ´ç÷¹øÈ£ º¸³Ê½º ¼øÀ§ ´ç÷ÀÚ¼ö 1ÀÎ´ç ´ç÷±Ý¾×
1121ȸ 6 24 31 32 38 44 8 1µî 11¸í 2,524,513,262
1120ȸ 2 19 26 31 38 41 34 1µî 11¸í 2,522,163,375
1119ȸ 1 9 12 13 20 45 3 1µî 19¸í 1,396,028,764
1118ȸ 11 13 14 15 16 45 3 1µî 19¸í 1,477,445,132
1117ȸ 3 4 9 30 33 36 7 1µî 9¸í 3,028,385,542
1116ȸ 15 16 17 25 30 31 32 1µî 10¸í 2,695,000,238
1115ȸ 7 12 23 32 34 36 8 1µî 12¸í 2,257,278,282
1114ȸ 10 16 19 32 33 38 3 1µî 17¸í 1,583,813,824
1113ȸ 11 13 20 21 32 44 8 1µî 14¸í 1,987,426,822
1112ȸ 16 20 26 36 42 44 24 1µî 10¸í 2,804,455,650
1111ȸ 3 13 30 33 43 45 4 1µî 16¸í 1,714,662,540
1110ȸ 3 7 11 20 22 41 24 1µî 16¸í 1,647,392,719
1109ȸ 10 12 13 19 33 40 2 1µî 17¸í 1,584,352,875
1108ȸ 7 19 26 37 39 44 27 1µî 14¸í 1,957,990,849
1107ȸ 6 14 30 31 40 41 29 1µî 14¸í 2,025,625,233
1106ȸ 1 3 4 29 42 45 36 1µî 11¸í 2,790,462,819
1105ȸ 6 16 34 37 39 40 11 1µî 15¸í 1,834,853,800
1104ȸ 1 7 21 30 35 38 2 1µî 15¸í 1,817,193,100
1103ȸ 10 12 29 31 40 44 2 1µî 17¸í 1,574,419,633
1102ȸ 13 14 22 26 37 38 20 1µî 20¸í 1,383,591,413
1101ȸ 6 7 13 28 36 42 41 1µî 13¸í 2,100,529,500

/ÁÖȫö ±âÀÚ jhc@kjdaily.com

-¹«´Ü ÀüÀç, º¹»ç, ¹èÆ÷, À¯Æ©ºê ¿µ»ó Á¦ÀÛÀ» ±ÝÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ¹ß°ß Áï½Ã ¹ÎÇü»ç»ó Á¦¼ÒÇÕ´Ï´Ù.
-¹«´Ü ÀüÀç, º¹»ç, ¹èÆ÷, À¯Æ©ºê ¿µ»ó Á¦ÀÛÀ» ±ÝÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ¹ß°ß Áï½Ã ¹ÎÇü»ç»ó Á¦¼ÒÇÕ´Ï´Ù.
-¹«´Ü ÀüÀç, º¹»ç, ¹èÆ÷, À¯Æ©ºê ¿µ»ó Á¦ÀÛÀ» ±ÝÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ¹ß°ß Áï½Ã ¹ÎÇü»ç»ó Á¦¼ÒÇÕ´Ï´Ù.
-¹«´Ü ÀüÀç, º¹»ç, ¹èÆ÷, À¯Æ©ºê ¿µ»ó Á¦ÀÛÀ» ±ÝÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ¹ß°ß Áï½Ã ¹ÎÇü»ç»ó Á¦¼ÒÇÕ´Ï´Ù.

´ÙÀ½Àº À§ ±â»ç¸¦ ¿µ¾î·Î ¹ø¿ªÇÑ Àü¹®ÀÌ´Ù. ¹ø¿ª¿¡ ¿À·ù°¡ ÀÖÀ» ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù.

According to the results of the 1122nd Lotto draw, a total of 7 second-prize winning stores were produced in the Gwangju and Jeonnam regions.

On the 2nd, the lottery consignment business operator Donghaeng Lotto Co., Ltd. announced that the first-prize winning numbers for the 1122nd Lotto draw were '6, 30, 35, 34, 21, 3' and the second-prize bonus number was '22'.

There were a total of 11 first-prize winning stores nationwide for the 1122nd Lotto draw, and a total of 99 second-prize winning games.

Among them, there were 3 second-prize winning stores in the Gwangju region, 1 each in Gwangsan-gu, Buk-gu, and Seo-gu. There were a total of 4 second-prize winning stores in Jeonnam, 2 in Suncheon, 1 in Mokpo, and 1 in Yeongam.

Each second-prize winner will receive 47.33 million won. This time, the 1122nd draw did not produce a first-prize winning store in Gwangju and Jeonnam.

With this, the total number of first-prize winning tickets sold at stores in the Gwangju area this year (1101-1122) is 11 (automatic 6, manual 5), and Jeonnam has 17 (automatic 8, manual 9). The total number of second-prize winning tickets is 66 in Gwangju and 74 in Jeonnam.

Meanwhile, there were 11 first-prize winners who matched all 6 winning numbers in the 1122nd draw, receiving 2.55626 billion won per person. The actual first-prize winning amount after tax is 1.74569 billion won.

The number of second-prize winning games where 5 winning numbers and bonus numbers matched is 99, receiving 47.33 million won per person.

The number of 3rd place winning games with 5 matching winning numbers is 2,932 games, and the prize money per person is 1.59 million won.

The number of 4th place winning games with 50,000 won per person and 5th place winning games with 5,000 won per person are 151,473 and 2,548,900, respectively.

Among the 1122nd 1st place winning numbers, there are 3 odd numbers (3, 21, 35) and 3 even numbers (6, 30, 34), and the total number is (129). The winning number ranges are 2 in the 1 (1 ~ 10) range, 0 in the 10 (11 ~ 20) range, 2 in the 20 (21 ~ 30) range, 2 in the 30 (31 ~ 40) range, and 0 in the 40 (41 ~ 45) range.

There were 11 first prize winners in the 1122nd Lotto draw, and the first prize lottery ticket purchase method was 9 automatic, 1 semi-automatic, and 1 manual, with automatic winning being overwhelmingly the most.

Looking at the distribution of first prize winning stores by region nationwide, there are 2 each in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon, Gangwon, and Gyeongnam, and 1 in Daegu.

The number of second prize winning games in the 1122nd draw was 99 games nationwide. Gyeonggi had the most games by region with 29 games, followed by Seoul with 15 games.

The total sales of the 1122nd Lotto draw was 115.54 billion won, which is about 1.6 billion won more than last week (113.89851 billion won).

As of today's drawing, the total number of first-prize winners of this year's Lotto (1101-1122nd drawing) is 311, with 222 automatic, 10 semi-automatic, and 79 manual winning first-prize winners. <1122nd Lotto 1st Prize Winning Area (Winning Store)>
1. Gyeong-A Lotto Sales Store - Automatic / 40 Sadang-ro 16-gil, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, 1st floor
2. Street Sales Store - Automatic / 103 Sinchon-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Central Exit 3, 4, Sinchon Station
3. Lucky Lottery Store - Manual / 47 Hakjeong-dong-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu
4. Daebakcheonha Mart - Automatic / 48 Gulpo-ro, Bupyeong-gu, Incheon
5. Golden Lottery Store - Automatic / 81 Convensia-daero, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Dream City 113-2, Songdo-dong
6. Lucky Lottery (Oksan Store) - Automatic / 152 Jungang-ro, Anseong-si, Gyeonggi-do
7. Daebak Lottery Store - Automatic / 57-1 Ongol-ro, Yeoncheon-gun, Gyeonggi-do
8. Lucky Lottery Store - Automatic / 305 Gangneung-daero, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do
9. Ilsong Lotto - Automatic / Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do 37 Ha-pyeong 3-gil Gwangokdang (102 Ilsong Shopping Center)
10. Binggrae Donbeolak-mat-bang-ga-neun-jip - Banja-dong / Gyeongnam Gimhae-si Gimhae-daero 910, left-hand lottery sales store
11. Lottery sales house - Ja-dong / Gyeongnam Changwon-si Masanhoe-gu 3¡¤15-daero 765

<1122nd Gwangju¡¤Jeonnam Lotto 2nd prize winning store>
1. E-mart 24 Gwangju Okdong store - E-mart 24 convenience store, 792 Pyeongdong-ro, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju
2. Bokkwon-nara (Maegok-dong) - 117 Seoha-ro 101-ho, Buk-gu, Gwangju (Maegok-dong)
3. Daebak Lotto Lottery Shop - 53 Maewol 2-ro, Seo-gu, Gwangju, 23-dong 103-ho
4. Junhyeok Lottery Shop - 1st floor, 69-2 Baeknyeon-daero, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do
5. Bokkwon-nara - Jeollanam-do Suncheon-si Jungang-ro 145 Bokkwon-nara
6. Alibi Geumdangjeom - 44 Daeseok-gil, Suncheon-si, Jeollanam-do
7. Geumho Donghaeng Lottery - 159 Daebuljugeoro, Yeongam-gun, Jeollanam-do, 1st floor

Also, the results of the lottery winning number search showed that the most drawn ball up to this day was the 13th ball. The 2024 lottery draw was conducted a total of 22 times (1101-1122) up to this day. Among them, the number of times the 13th ball appeared as the winning number was recorded as 7 times. This is the number of times the winning number appeared, excluding the bonus number, and is the most frequently appeared among the 45 lottery balls. The following are the number of times and the appearance rate of the winning numbers of the 45 2024 lottery balls.

<2024 (1101~1122) Lotto Ball Winning Numbers Occurrence Rate (Excluding Bonus Number Occurrence)>
-13 = 31.8% (7 times)
-30 = 27.3% (6 times)
-3, 6, 7, 16, 31, 38, 44 = 22.7% (5 times)
-12, 19, 20, 26, 32, 33, 36, 40, 45 = 18.2% (4 times)
-1, 10, 11, 14, 21, 34, 37, 41, 42 = 13.6% (3 times)
-4, 9, 15, 22, 29, 35, 39 = 9.1% (2 times) Appearance)
-2, 17, 23, 24, 25, 28, 43 = 4.5% (1 appearance)

The accumulated amount of the lottery fund in 2024 is 1.635 trillion won.

Detailed lottery winning information and statistical analysis can be found on the Donghaeng Lottery website.

Lotto tickets can be purchased at stores (convenience stores, lottery shops, and kiosk nationwide) that have signed a sales contract with Donghaeng Lottery Co., Ltd. and have installed lottery terminals, and on the Donghaeng Lottery Co., Ltd. website.

The accumulated amount of the lottery fund and the first prize amount will vary depending on the sales volume of the lottery for one week. Up to 100,000 won can be purchased per person, and purchases can be made until the end of sales on the day of the draw.

The lottery draw time is every Saturday at 8:35 PM and is conducted through MBC's 'Live Happy Dream Lotto 645'.

The 1123rd Lotto draw will be held on the 8th. <2024 Lotto 1101~1121>
Round Lotto Winning Number Bonus Rank Number of Winners Winning Amount per Person
1121st 6 24 31 32 38 44 8 1st place 11 people 2,524,513,262
1120th 2 19 26 31 38 41 34 1st place 11 people 2,522,163,375
1119th 1 9 12 13 20 45 3 1st place 19 people 1,396,028,764
1118th 11 13 14 15 16 45 3 1st place 19 people 1,477,445,132
1117th 3 4 9 30 33 36 7 1st place 9 people 3,028,385,542
1116th 15 16 17 25 30 31 32 1st place 10 people 2,695,000,238
1115th 7 12 23 32 34 36 8 1st place 12 people 2,257,278,282
1114th 10 16 19 32 33 38 3 1st place 17 people 1,583,813,824
1113th 11 13 20 21 32 44 8 1st place 14 people 1,987,426,822
1112th 16 20 26 36 42 44 24 1st place 10 people 2,804,455,650
1111th 3 13 30 33 43 45 4 1st place 16 people 1,714,662,540
1110th 3 7 11 20 22 41 24 1st place 16 people 1,647,392,719
1109th 10 12 13 19 33 40 2 1st place 17 people 1,584,352,875
1108th 7 19 26 37 39 44 27 1st place 14 people 1,957,990,849
1107th 6 14 30 31 40 41 29 1st place 14 people 2,025,625,233
1106th 1 3 4 29 42 45 36 1st place 11 people 2,790,462,819
1105th 6 16 34 37 39 40 11 1st place 15 people 1,834,853,800
1104th 1 7 21 30 35 38 2 1st place 15 people 1,817,193,100
1103rd 10 12 29 31 40 44 2 1st place 17 people 1,574,419,633
1102nd 13 14 22 26 37 38 20 1st place 20 people 1,383,591,413
1101st 6 7 13 28 36 42 41 1st place 13 people 2,100,529,500

/Reporter Hong-cheol Joo jhc@kjdaily.com
ÁÖȫö ±âÀÚ jhc@kjdaily.com
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URL : http://www.kjdaily.com/1717427220631861227
ÇÁ¸°Æ® ½Ã°£ : 2024³â 09¿ù 29ÀÏ 20:20:19