·Î¶Ç ´ç÷¹øÈ£Á¶È¸-1129ȸ
ÁÖȫö ±âÀÚ jhc@kjdaily.com
2024³â 07¿ù 20ÀÏ(Åä) 20:36
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1129ȸ 1µî ´ç÷¹øÈ£ Áß È¦¼ö ¹øÈ£´Â 3°³(5, 11, 17), ¦¼ö ¹øÈ£ 3°³(10, 28, 34)À̸ç, ¹øÈ£ ÃÑÇÕÀº (105)ÀÌ´Ù. ´ç÷¹øÈ£ ±¸°£º°·Î´Â 1 (1 ~ 10)¹ø´ë 2°³, 10 (11 ~ 20)¹ø´ë 2°³, 20 (21 ~ 30)¹ø´ë 1°³, 30 (31 ~ 40)¹ø´ë 1°³, 40 (41 ~ 45)¹ø´ë 0°³ÀÌ´Ù.

1129ȸ ·Î¶Ç 1µî ´ç÷ °Ç¼ö´Â ÃÑ 11°ÇÀ̸ç, Àü±¹ Áö¿ªº° 1µî ´ç÷ ºÐÆ÷¸¦ º¸¸é °æ±âµµ°¡ °¡Àå ¸¹Àº 5°ÇÀÌ°í, ´ÙÀ½À¸·Î ¼­¿ïÀÌ 2°Ç, ºÎ»ê°ú ´ë±¸, Àü³², °æºÏ °¢ 1°Ç¾¿ÀÌ´Ù.

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1129ȸÂ÷ 2µî ´ç÷ °ÔÀÓ ¼ö´Â Àü±¹ ÃÑ 107°ÔÀÓÀÌ´Ù. Áö¿ªº°·Î °æ±â°¡ 33°ÔÀÓÀ¸·Î °¡Àå ¸¹¾Ò°í, ´ÙÀ½À¸·Î ¼­¿ïÀÌ 20°ÔÀÓÀ¸·Î µÚ¸¦ À̾ú´Ù.

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<2024³â ·Î¶Ç 1101ȸ~1128ȸÂ÷>
ȸÂ÷ ·Î¶Ç ´ç÷¹øÈ£ º¸³Ê½º ¼øÀ§ ´ç÷ÀÚ¼ö 1ÀÎ´ç ´ç÷±Ý¾×
1128ȸ 1 5 8 16 28 33 45 1µî 63¸í 419,925,560
1127ȸ 10 15 24 30 31 37 32 1µî 12¸í 2,267,891,969
1126ȸ 4 5 9 11 37 40 7 1µî 11¸í 2,386,382,421
1125ȸ 6 14 25 33 40 44 30 1µî 12¸í 2,195,289,188
1124ȸ 3 8 17 30 33 34 28 1µî 10¸í 2,623,327,913
1123ȸ 13 19 21 24 34 35 26 1µî 16¸í 1,731,310,711
1122ȸ 3 6 21 30 34 35 22 1µî 11¸í 2,556,266,046
1121ȸ 6 24 31 32 38 44 8 1µî 11¸í 2,524,513,262
1120ȸ 2 19 26 31 38 41 34 1µî 11¸í 2,522,163,375
1119ȸ 1 9 12 13 20 45 3 1µî 19¸í 1,396,028,764
1118ȸ 11 13 14 15 16 45 3 1µî 19¸í 1,477,445,132
1117ȸ 3 4 9 30 33 36 7 1µî 9¸í 3,028,385,542
1116ȸ 15 16 17 25 30 31 32 1µî 10¸í 2,695,000,238
1115ȸ 7 12 23 32 34 36 8 1µî 12¸í 2,257,278,282
1114ȸ 10 16 19 32 33 38 3 1µî 17¸í 1,583,813,824
1113ȸ 11 13 20 21 32 44 8 1µî 14¸í 1,987,426,822
1112ȸ 16 20 26 36 42 44 24 1µî 10¸í 2,804,455,650
1111ȸ 3 13 30 33 43 45 4 1µî 16¸í 1,714,662,540
1110ȸ 3 7 11 20 22 41 24 1µî 16¸í 1,647,392,719
1109ȸ 10 12 13 19 33 40 2 1µî 17¸í 1,584,352,875
1108ȸ 7 19 26 37 39 44 27 1µî 14¸í 1,957,990,849
1107ȸ 6 14 30 31 40 41 29 1µî 14¸í 2,025,625,233
1106ȸ 1 3 4 29 42 45 36 1µî 11¸í 2,790,462,819
1105ȸ 6 16 34 37 39 40 11 1µî 15¸í 1,834,853,800
1104ȸ 1 7 21 30 35 38 2 1µî 15¸í 1,817,193,100
1103ȸ 10 12 29 31 40 44 2 1µî 17¸í 1,574,419,633
1102ȸ 13 14 22 26 37 38 20 1µî 20¸í 1,383,591,413
1101ȸ 6 7 13 28 36 42 41 1µî 13¸í 2,100,529,500

/ÁÖȫö ±âÀÚ jhc@kjdaily.com

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-1129th Lotto 1st Prize Winning Number Inquiry Results Nationwide 11 People¡¦ Prize Money Per Person Approximately 2.3 Billion Won
-1st Prize Winning Number Purchase Method¡¦ 6 Automatic, 4 Manual, 1 Semi-Automatic

A total of 11 first prize winners emerged from the 1129th Lotto draw, each taking home a prize money of approximately 2.3 billion won.

Donghaeng Lottery, the lottery consignment business operator, announced on the 20th that the first prize winning numbers for the 1129th Lotto draw were ¡®17, 28, 10, 5, 34, 11¡¯ and the second prize bonus number was ¡®22¡¯.

A total of 11 first prize winners who matched all 6 Lotto winning numbers will receive 2.36956 billion won per person. The actual amount of the first prize after deducting taxes is 1.6261 billion won, which is about 1.3 billion won more than the actual amount of the first prize in the 1128th Lotto last week (314.35 million won).

The number of games for second prize winners, where 5 winning numbers and the bonus number match, is 107 games, and each person receives 46 million won.

The number of games for third prize winners, where 5 winning numbers match, is 3,142 games, and the prize money per person is 1.38 million won.

The number of games for fourth prize winners, where the prize money per person is 50,000 won, and fifth prize winners, where the prize money per person is 5,000 won, is 154,322 and 2,542,398, respectively.

Among the 1129th 1st prize winning numbers, there are 3 odd numbers (5, 11, 17), 3 even numbers (10, 28, 34), and the total number is (105). The winning numbers are 2 in the 1 (1 ~ 10) range, 2 in the 10 (11 ~ 20) range, 1 in the 20 (21 ~ 30) range, 1 in the 30 (31 ~ 40) range, and 0 in the 40 (41 ~ 45) range.

The total number of 1st prize winners in the 1129th Lotto is 11, and looking at the distribution of 1st prize winners by region nationwide, Gyeonggi-do has the most with 5, followed by Seoul with 2, and Busan, Daegu, Jeonnam, and Gyeongbuk with 1 each.

The purchase method for the first-prize Lotto is 6 automatic, 4 manual, and 1 semi-automatic.

The total number of second-prize winning games for the 1129th draw is 107 games nationwide. Gyeonggi had the most games by region with 33 games, followed by Seoul with 20 games.

The total sales for the 1129th Lotto draw was 110.36349 billion won, which is about 1 billion won less than last week (111.36419 billion won).

Up until the draw on this day, the total number of first-prize Lotto winners this year (1101-1129 draws) was 446, with 285 automatic, 13 semi-automatic, and 148 manual winning the first prize.

<1129th Lotto 1st Prize Winning Area (Winning Store)>
1. Lottery Famous Place - Sudong / 1st floor, 59 Yeonghwasa-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul
2. Lottery Famous Place - Sudong / 1st floor, 59 Yeonghwasa-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul
3. Lottery Lottery Room - Automatic / 4 Jagalchi-ro, Seo-gu, Busan

4. Kosa Mart Geumgang Branch - Sudong / 1st floor, 204 Yongsan-ro, Dalseo-gu, Daegu Kosa Mart

5. Ilsan Top Lottery - Sudong / 107, 517 Ilsan-ro, Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do

6. Lucky Lottery - Semi-automatic / 3, 1-dong, Daeya 1-ro, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do

7. 111 - Automatic / 1st floor, 111, 37, Buljeong-ro 376beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do

8. Lotto Lottery (D.C.T) - Automatic / Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 1072 Baekok-daero 1st floor 101-1

9. Tteotda GO 1st place - Automatic / 172 Dongtan Banseok-ro 1st floor 138 (Dongtan Paragon branch) in Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do

10. Aljja Mart Wangji branch - Automatic / 309-101 Jungheung Park shopping center, 60 Wanggung-gil, Suncheon-si, Jeollanam-do

11. C Space Gyeongju Sebang store - Automatic / 4447 Sanup-ro, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do (Yonggang-dong)

<1129th Gwangju/Jeonnam Lotto 2nd place winning store>
1. Happy Dream Lotto - 265 Wangbeodeul-ro 1st floor 103-1
2. Daebak Chance - 196 Seoha-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju
3. Best One - 1st floor 209-1 Sinnam-ro, Yeonggwang-gun, Jeollanam-do

4. Terminal - 5 Nammun-gil, Jindo-gun, Jeollanam-do Jindo Public Bus Terminal

Also, the results of the Lotto winning number search showed that the most drawn balls up to this day this year were 13 and 30. The 2024 Lotto draw was conducted a total of 29 times (1101-1129) up to this day. Among them, the number of times the winning numbers 13 and 30 appeared was recorded as 8 times. This is the number of times the winning numbers appeared, excluding the bonus number, and is the most frequently appeared among the 45 Lotto drawing balls. The following are the number of times and the appearance rate of the winning numbers of the 45 Lotto balls in 2024.

<2024 (1101~1129) Lotto Ball Winning Numbers Occurrence Rate (Excluding Bonus Number Occurrence)>
- 13, 30 = 27.6% (8 times)
- 33 = 24.1% (7 times)
- 3, 6, 16, 31, 34, 40, 44 = 20.7% (6 times)
- 7, 10, 11, 19, 37, 38 = 17.2% (5 times)
- 1, 12, 14, 20, 21, 26, 32, 36, 45 = 13.8% (4 times)
- 4, 5, 9, 15, 17, 24, 28, 35, 41, 42 = 10.3% (3 times) Appearance)
-8, 22, 25, 29, 39 = 6.9% (appeared 2 times)
-2, 23, 43 = 3.4% (appeared 1 time)

On the other hand, there were 2 balls (18, 27) that were not drawn even once as the winning numbers this year. In particular, the 18th ball did not appear even once as a bonus number.

Last week, the total sales of Lotto 1128 was 111.4 billion won.

Lotto 1128's total first prize winnings were 26.5 billion won, and 63 people shared 420 million won each.

There were 58 1st prize winning regions/sales outlets nationwide for Lotto 1128, and the total number of 2nd prize games was 77.

The accumulated amount of the lottery fund in 2024 is 1.4115 trillion won.

Detailed Lotto winning information and statistical analysis can be found on the Donghaeng Lottery website.

Lotto tickets can be purchased at stores (convenience stores, lottery shops, and newsstands nationwide) that have signed a sales contract with Donghaeng Lottery Co., Ltd. and have installed Lotto terminals, as well as on the Donghaeng Lottery Co., Ltd. website.

The accumulated amount of the lottery fund and the first prize amount will vary depending on the sales volume for the week. Up to 100,000 won can be purchased per person, and purchases can be made until the end of sales on the day of the drawing.

The Lotto drawing time is every Saturday at 8:35 PM and is conducted through MBC's 'Live Happy Dream Lotto 645'.

The 1130th Lotto drawing will be held on the 27th.

Meanwhile, travel YouTuber Pani Bottle appeared as the Golden Hand on the MBC Live Happy Dream Lotto 6/45 broadcast that day.

YouTuber Pani Bottle, who started creating travel content in 2019, is the No. 1 travel creator in Korea with 2.27 million subscribers and is widely loved by people of all ages. Starting with travel content in Bangkok, Thailand, he gained popularity with various content such as overseas travel tips and vlogs containing the ups and downs of daily travel, domestic rural travel, and uninhabited island exploration. Recently, he has become a hot topic by surpassing 500 million cumulative views on his YouTube channel.

In addition, he appeared on the MBC travel variety show ¡®Born to Travel the World¡¯ series and showed off his witty banter as a seasoned travel expert, making a strong impression on viewers. In addition, news of his appearance on MBC¡¯s ¡®Born to Travel Music¡¯, which will be aired for the first time in August, is also being released, raising expectations about what kind of luck Pani Bottle, who has risen to stardom as a variety show star, will deliver as a ¡®golden hand.¡¯

In addition to his activities on TV, Pani Bottle is also leading the way in good deeds by quietly supporting those in need. Not only did he donate all the proceeds from the sales of his self-produced goods to underprivileged children, but he also practiced the value of sharing with his fans, drawing attention. He revealed that instead of holding a fan meeting, he would spend meaningful time with his fans doing various volunteer activities such as volunteering at an abandoned dog shelter, distributing briquettes, and volunteering for the nation and veterans, and reflecting on the meaning of sharing.

Pani Bottle said, ¡°There seem to be many places where helping hands cannot reach without volunteer work. So I hope more people will take interest,¡± conveying a meaningful message encouraging sharing.

MBC¡¯s ¡®Live Happy Dream Lotto 6/45¡¯ invites people who have a positive influence through good activities as ¡®Golden Hands¡¯ every week and holds a lottery drawing, and introduces various public interest projects and welfare projects supported by the lottery fund, informing people of the positive functions of the lottery fund.

<2024 Lotto 1101~1128>
Round Lotto Winning Number Bonus Rank Number of Winners Winning Amount per Person
1128th 1 5 8 16 28 33 45 1st place 63 people 419,925,560
1127th 10 15 24 30 31 37 32 1st place 12 people 2,267,891,969
1126th 4 5 9 11 37 40 7 1st place 11 people 2,386,382,421
1125th 6 14 25 33 40 44 30 1st place 12 people 2,195,289,188
1124th 3 8 17 30 33 34 28 1st place 10 people 2,623,327,913
1123rd 13 19 21 24 34 35 26 1st place 16 people 1,731,310,711
1122nd 3 6 21 30 34 35 22 1st place 11 people 2,556,266,046
1121st 6 24 31 32 38 44 8 1st place 11 people 2,524,513,262
1120th 2 19 26 31 38 41 34 1st place 11 people 2,522,163,375
1119th 1 9 12 13 20 45 3 1st place 19 people 1,396,028,764
1118th 11 13 14 15 16 45 3 1st place 19 people 1,477,445,132
1117th 3 4 9 30 33 36 7 1st place 9 people 3,028,385,542
1116th 15 16 17 25 30 31 32 1st place 10 people 2,695,000,238
1115th 7 12 23 32 34 36 8 1st place 12 people 2,257,278,282
1114th 10 16 19 32 33 38 3 1st place 17 people 1,583,813,824
1113th 11 13 20 21 32 44 8 1st place 14 people 1,987,426,822
1112th 16 20 26 36 42 44 24 1st place 10 people 2,804,455,650
1111th 3 13 30 33 43 45 4 1st place 16 people 1,714,662,540
1110th 3 7 11 20 22 41 24 1st place 16 people 1,647,392,719
1109th 10 12 13 19 33 40 2 1st place 17 people 1,584,352,875
1108th 7 19 26 37 39 44 27 1st place 14 people 1,957,990,849
1107th 6 14 30 31 40 41 29 1st place 14 people 2,025,625,233
1106th 1 3 4 29 42 45 36 1st place 11 people 2,790,462,819
1105th 6 16 34 37 39 40 11 1st place 15 people 1,834,853,800
1104th 1 7 21 30 35 38 2 1st place 15 people 1,817,193,100
1103rd 10 12 29 31 40 44 2 1st place 17 people 1,574,419,633
1102nd 13 14 22 26 37 38 20 1st place 20 people 1,383,591,413
1101st 6 7 13 28 36 42 41 1st place 13 people 2,100,529,500

/ Reporter Joo Hong-chul jhc@kjdaily.com
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URL : http://www.kjdaily.com/1721475399635898227
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